Alejandra Padilla
digital portfolio
My Projects
These are the projects I have created so far for my second grade class. I hope you enjoy them.
Students create a toy or object to enrich the life of animals at the Jersey Zoo in Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico. The Essential Question: How can we help improve the quality of life of wild animals at the zoo?
Students learn about migration, conservation of species, and the place we live in. Students reflect on how the animals that migrate through Baja California impact our lives and our own impact on their habitats. Students create an invitation for a Beach Clean-Up Day. They create signs to place at the Beach to prevent people from throwing trash on the floor. Students come up with an idea to clean the ocean and keep it clean. They also write a short story about whales. Students create a questionnaire for immigrants and then analyze it to see how their lives impact ours and how ours impact theirs. Finally, students write an essay to reflect on where they come from and where they want to go, and create a short film related to migration using play dough charachters. They also work on a fieldwork log daily and a class blog every week during the project. Essential Question: What effect do whales and people who migrate have in our community, and what effect do we have in them?
Students learn about their 5 senses, how they work and how to take care of them. They learn about similarities between the eye and a camera. They take pictures of the best part of their bodies, choosing from their eyes, nose, mouth, ears or hands. They also learn about the life of Helen Keller, the Braille Alphabet, and write a short story for blind children. They describe how colors feel, taste, smell or sound to them. Essential Question: How do blind people learn?
Students create a magazine about the Los Sauces ecological reserve, which is part of our community, and they learn about the plants and animals native to this region, some of which are endangered. They also include some of their work from their preious project: Baja California, in the magazine. The essential question is: How can we contribute to the wellbeing of plants and animals in the Los Sauces reserve?